I hadn’t realized it has been so long since I posted anything here – I’ve been so busy elsewhere my hobby has taken a back seat – unfortunately it seems that back seat was with Thelma and Louise – straight off a cliff….
Anyway since the north of England has been turned lately into a giant swimming pool – with more rain forcast – more, where the hell is it going to go?? – I mean I know that noah had to contend with 40 days and 40 nights – which in Lancashire is considered drought conditions – but this is ridiculous – doesn’t it know it’s supposed to be summer?
This does mean however that I can spend more time painting and gaming rather than working my way though THE LIST – jobs that SHE WHO MUST BE OBAYED has written down – Hercules never had it so good!!!
Any road sideways – I digress – to optimize my time and keep to the plan outlined earlier I have created a list of models for each army I’ll go across from left to right and vary the armies and models I paint to avoid boredom – some of these are already painted and some just need tweaking to bring them inline with the campaign..
Meanwhile have fun and buy an ark