Well, this is my first post – a bit daunting but here goes…
If you’ve read the introduction then you’ll know what this post is about – if not pop over and have a look.
The first step on this journey was to dig out all my miniatures both painted and unpainted – I was shocked – I had loads of unassembled, unpainted mini’s just packed in boxes. I know time to paint has been an issue as I’ve grown older but I never realised how little I’d actually done…
So first things first, I begged, stole and borrowed all the codex’s I could – ok maybe I didn’t steal any. Big men with large blunt instruments, tend to throw you in small square rooms populated by overly-friendly men, if you do. So, using the Codex’s and looking at what I had, I realised I owned enough to make up some decent sized armies, although some of the mini’s are very old.
As we were putting the first army together, my son suggested that at the same time we do a campaign so we had a framework and a purpose to the composition of the Armies – more work for Dad – thanks..
Starting again we created a background – a chaos incursion on the planet Sartaris an Imperial mining world, on the border of the Scarus Sector and the Helican Subsector. The idea being that Chaos forces have infiltrated to look for an ancient downed Warhound Titan (an abandoned scratch-build) whilst setting up an Ork Warlord to keep the local forces busy. I’ll put the details of the Campaign and how it works up later if anyone’s interested.
The plan is to organise the armies into easily managed chunks for both playing and painting, beginning with the basic standard mission compulsory HQ and 2 Troops choice and then add other units later.
Back to the Armies – to help with the complicated process of selection I’d already purchased Lone Wolf’s Army Builder – a god send. We started with the Imperial Guard, naming them the Cadian 35th or Dirty Filth as they are going to be known, garrisoned on Sartaris as punishment for the insubordination of their company commander – we called him Theudas Idumea Finnigan. Sounded like a good idea at the time.. Ah well!
I’ll post pics etc as I go along..