The Imperial Guard go ever onward

Well the troops choice for the Imperial Guard are done now- so starting from the top we have:

Infantry Platoon Alpha

Lieutenant Lysanias and Platoon Command Squad 409





Sergeant Rhodes and Squad 265







Sergeant Festus and Squad 812








Infantry Platoon Beta

Lieutenant Paris and Command Squad 707 Accompanied by Commisar Gibeon

Due to too much Imperial Armour the command squad is mounted in a Salamander Scout – Scratch built forge world are way out of my price range…


Sergeant Troy and Squad 190 mounted in Chimera Sepulchra – again scratch built – trying to save money!!







and finally Sergeant Jones and squad 541 mounted in Chimera – Mortis – this one’s actually a GW model – spot the difference??

and thats the Imperial Guard done for now next is the compulsory block of Blood Angels… I’m not painting the whole of the armies in their entirety as I need some variation otherwise I get a bit bored and sloppy in my painting

Hope you like … more next week