Rise of the Zombies

Well it seems my corner of this green and pleasant land has been overrun by hordes of flesh eating undead… And yet again my painting plan goes out the window.

As the ‘chip off the old block’ and I were planning our next game in our ongoing campaign, especially how to incorporate some games with his school fiend who will be staying with us for a while over the summer holidays, when, probably due to late night cheese snacks and watching too much ‘Walking Dead’ on TV. The future of my Genetic code and survival of my family name, casually announced..

“You know what we don’t have enough Zombies in this game”.

And after due consideration I had to agree with him after all – you can’t ever have enough Zombies in anything.. As we had not quite decided what Chaos was actually doing in our campaign the next logical step (for insane maniacs, obsessed with anything dead and rotting) was to have Fabius Bile try to release a plague on the planet, infect the populous and harvest and the results.. Great Idea, we thought , we’ll have a small game first were Imperial forces have to stop Fabius releasing the virus into the ventilation system of the main urban complex.

Of course the Imperials are going to fail – there’s no fun otherwise – we want hordes of zombies disrupting the games in future, attacking all sides.

So I needed some Zombies GW’s were as usual a bit expensive @ £2.50 for 20 however I got some Mantic – Undead – Undead Zombie Regiment were a bargain @ £16 for over 30 from Triple Helix Wargames (great Guys – prompt service, cheap as chips and free delivery – can’t say better than that!) So painting list abandoned Zombies on the rampage.

I’ll post agin soon when my zombies assembled and painted.

Fail to plan…..

I hadn’t realized it has been so long since I posted anything here – I’ve been so busy elsewhere my hobby has taken a back seat – unfortunately it seems that back seat was with Thelma and Louise – straight off a cliff….

Anyway since the north of England has been turned lately into a giant swimming pool – with more rain forcast – more, where the hell is it going to go?? – I mean I know that noah had to contend with 40 days and 40 nights – which in Lancashire is considered drought conditions – but this is ridiculous – doesn’t it know it’s supposed to be summer?

This does mean however that I can spend more time painting and gaming rather than working my way though THE LIST – jobs that SHE WHO MUST BE OBAYED has written down – Hercules never had it so good!!!

Any road sideways – I digress – to optimize my time and keep to the plan outlined earlier I have created a list of models for each army I’ll go across from left to right and vary the armies and models I paint to avoid boredom – some of these are already painted and some just need tweaking to bring them inline with the campaign.. 

Meanwhile have fun and buy an ark