Fluidity of time

In know time is supposed to do weird stuff in Warp Space but it’s not supposed to happen in real life.. But it’s been almost 2 years since I last posted anything, by the emperor’s golden beard that’s a long time. However I have been busy on this glorious hobby of ours and have painted nearly all of the backlog of models that have been outstanding for so long – I’ve even bought some more..

I’ve spent the lsat few weeks however updating and rearranging my armies to comply with the new codex, I also at the time created little data cards for all my units e.g.



These are great for quick reference of what special rules units have, their stats and keeping record of hits and damage and speeds up the game as everything to hand – useful if like me you are not a walking encyclopedia of all things 40k.

As anybody who has seen my ramblings before I have attempted and failed to create scenery for my games. After testing out various bits and pieces and playing games with ‘The chip of the old block’ and various friends, I have revised my plans. Due to the length of time it takes to place scenery on the table prior to gaming I decided to create a modular system which can be used with the GW Terrain boards but would have a city theme. I’m going to create 1 foot squares with fixed road systems and part of buildings in the corners .The grand idea is that when placed in any pattern the bits of the buildings should line up to form bigger buildings, hopefully. These will be permanent fixtures but will be able to take more stories as required, otherwise can be left as ruins.

cityboards2As this diagram shows it should work in any layout. The boards will be placed in a frame which I’ve already built and so I can mix and match the GW boards and the ones I make.

I will also do hi-rise roadways, walkways and ramps so we can have a more varied Necromunda type fight.

I’ll let you know how it goes..


Build a building!!

Scenery is definitely becoming a problem – so I decided to do something about it..

Like most people, no doubt I love Forgeworlds new Realm of Battle Zone Mortalis scenery but Hells Bells is it expensive – not very flexible and only one level. However – a friend of mine passed me some files for World Works Games scenery he’d bought and never used – so I had a go but they were flimsy, fiddly and not suitable and I like the thick walls in the Forge world ones. Ah well back to the drawing board..

So I did what I always do when stuck for ideas I trawled the net for inspiration and/or drink loads of alcohol – not necessarily at the same time.. However after lots of futile searching I came across this blog – Incunabulog and his ideas for building terrain from world Works Games Scenery and I loved the canals – so I zipped over to World Works Games (www.worldworksgames.com) and bought myself some Himmelveil Canals etc. – really high quality and dirt cheap – my idea of heaven –  Sad basket, I know!

So using some of the ideas from Incunablog I created my own buildings and rooms and the results were great – especially as I’m lucky enough to have access to a really good colour laser printer – consequently I made loads – and then stupidly noticed I had nowhere to put them…  So I slapped myself silly for a while – mildly entertaining, stacked them in the spare bedroom – to be mauled by the cat and kicked by the kids and went back to painting my chaos renegades.

Well I don’t know if it was the repeated blows to the cranium or leaving the project alone for a while but I had a revelation during the night – I didn’t leap up shouting eureka! – She who must be obeyed would certainly have objected to that – she’s not at all pleased the back bedroom is full of foamcore card buildings, but I did creep downstairs and jot my ideas down.. and this is what I came up with..

I like the Terrainlinx system for joining the tiles together – it’s a neat system – but I wanted thicker, chunkier walls so I thought of sticking the Terrainlinx tabs top and bottom to form T tabs for the base tiles and + tabs for the next floor. The walls to be made by sandwiching foam core card between two foam core walls with spaces for the tiles and pillars on one end, similer to the Forgeworld Battle zone tiles..

Next I took apart the scenery I had already made and using the Himmelveil Canals, Sewers and Streets packs and the Orbital Packs all from World works – I created the following … and I think it works all I need to do is work out doors etc and I’m laughing -well giggling slightly in a corner of my padded cell!!

I’ll post more as I do more

Happy Gaming

Renegades! Renegades! where for art thou!!

Actually they’ve arrived – early – gotta love e-bay.. Since the weather was unusually warm and sunny – in March – sun!! I thought we’d be in for at least two more months of gloom, I decided to make the most of the dry weather to assemble and undercoat the new arrivals. I have to spray outdoors in my shed as SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED gets grumpy if she finds her curtains covered in black overspray, some people are just so unreasonable..

So here you go, the new arrivals and some old – very old metal miniatures converted to be the champion, standard bearer and enforcers. ready to be undercoated. The command squad troopers were converted from some old skulls and cadian re-breathers, tau legs and plastic coat tails from a historex (I think) model. All the chaos bits came from my bits box – left over from a chaos battle squad I purchased and the banner is from a Warhammer Black Orcs Boxed set which I’ve already converted to an ‘Ard Boyz unit.

And so to the paint job – for some reason known only to the gods of painting I’ve decided to paint them in an olive and red/bronze colour – partly to match the allegiance to khorne and partly because it looks good??

Actually I like the results, these are the finished ones with the chem trooper heads – breastplate and backpacks were scratch built to match the forge world ones. I really like the Minimax Kromlech designs and I’ll get some of the Orc in greatcoats later on for Storm boyz – but that’s another story.

All I’ve got to do now is finish the painting ready for the game this weekend – only – !!

And then there’s the terrain – I’ve been thinking and that’s always a bad sign.. I need something more flexible and easier to store than the rigid cities of death buildings I have already.. My head is filling with foam core card constructs and roadways – art shop here I come…